
so there's one rule when it comes to ben's room no dogs allowed get charlie out of my room please he's just taking up my whole bed i told you to stop bringing her in my room so we're gonna fill this entire room with a bunch of dogs including drew oh wow that was pretty good oh my god drew what there are literally so many dogs in ben's room how did they know that i'm not a dog we did something to your room are you ready yeah not again not again why are all these dogs in here i know how much you hate dogs in your

room my biggest fear is dog hair on my bed and there's a hundred dogs in my bed bro it smells so bad in here oh everyone out  all right so right now i'm going to be guessing some girl products i feel like i know a lot about girl products no i don't think so that's the pregnancy test how many of those have you have you had to buy i haven't had to buy any oh wow you never had a scare only with you okay there you are ah is this some type of lotion clothes but it does something oh oh i put too

much i'm so sorry oh why is it burning yeah hair removal lotion hair removal ah i know what i know what this is so i put it in and then i push this down oh whoa oh perfect now your period is done okay so now you're going to take it out oh it's kind of hard to take i got to get two hands oh what the hell ew why does it look like this i have no idea what this is i think we both know where no not everything is for the nipple bro i don't know you guys have a lot of weird things for your nipples okay so it goes down

there but what does it do down there the same thing that this did shut up you don't put this in there person the last one see i wasn't in the the sex education for the woman's right oh looks like a dog toy it does look like a dog i'm gonna give this to charlie don't do that do you own one of these no harrison brought so jeremy always leaves his keys laying around the house so right now we're about to prank him he's not gonna be able to go anywhere  i think we're gonna come at the park now

do you have your keys oh no oh where are your keys how can you lose your keys where are you for my kids i gotta go yeah you have we have the i don't i don't oh shut up bro i'm not going in there and grabbing that i mean you have to get your keys right no i'm going to uber i'm going to call it uber it's not that hard i'm not grabbing it put your hand in the jar dude i can't believe we're making me do this right now oh jeremy i am out of here i'm actually leaving okay so sydney i will give you three

hundred dollars right now if you tell me a lie that you've never told your mom before yeah i want to hear this i gotta go thank you so much i'm about to expose myself but i've had my first kiss you what like when where wait wait wait wait wait remember that one guy that we we met at dinner i think you're having a hard time telling the story but here's the three days come so for 300 what is one thing you've lied to your mom about that you've never told her before so you know like you guys got that that

new car like the new van like there's like a big dent on the top of it i didn't know about the dent it was actually me no and you didn't know this did not know that so i'm going to give you 300 you tell me one lie you've never told your mom oh god that i dropped out of college you serious about it why would you do that to me seriously what are you gonna do now he made me no what don't say that what are you gonna do live on the streets like well i got 300 bucks all right so pearson we're gonna trap

you inside of this coffin and then we're going to put a bunch of snakes on top of you i hate today what am i getting out of this so every minute that you survive in the coffin will give you 200 okay i like snakes a little bit more okay ready to get started nope so pearson now that you're in the coffin we are going to add the snakes the timer doesn't start until all the snakes are in the coffin  oh that one's shedding too there you  ew go is a great ab workout because

you're like this one's from l.a oh it's really nice no no no oh my god they're all moving they're all moving oh my gosh i don't think the yellow one gets along with the rest of them all the snakes are on you now so we're gonna shut the coffin okay that's the stupid timer shouldn't she get a little bit more i got two more snakes um okay so piercing the timer is started how do you feel yo i think that timer is in slow motion the timer's not working because it needed one more snake we have to restart

the timer you're one minute in so you made 200 so far you would think that the longer i'm in here the more used to it i'm getting it's not the case you're almost at two minutes which means you almost made four hundred dollars look i'm shaking yo piercing's crazy for this i'm surprised it wasn't me oh no they're all coming towards you that one's coming right at her head oh my god i'll stop it close your eyes all right so pearson you hit four minutes which means you have 800 right

now yeah the question is how is she gonna get out two one you made a thousand dollars that was my goal was five minutes i don't care wait right peter my jacket it did yeah can you get me out it's like dripping down my back here's your thousand dollars i have oh my god it smells so bad there's so much snake pee and poo in my jacket right now wait really oh  he's coming to help get me far away from that thing thank you nick oh oh look at that that's all poop that is so gross i am never doing that again all

right so i'm here with sydney hi hi so sydney do you want to make 500 bucks today of course i do all you have to do is play hot potato with me all day today okay of course hot potato hot potato red no no no what are you i got you so good hot potato what are you doing you're eating the cake off the ground i was hungry this is my apology to you right here take the new piece of cake hot potato hot potato sydney so pretty hot potato bye what a bummer did you really want those yeah oh you were so pretty are you

like slime sydney hot potato stop stop stop walking hot potato mall red barbecue  hot potato it's my phone did it crash okay good i was gonna have to buy you a new phone i think if it cracked oh oh no it crashed all right so sydney you completed the challenge finally oh my goodness which means 500 for you i deserve this okay after everything hot potato hot potato drop the money all right we have one for you guys you have to drop a like on this video everyone go subscribe to sydney's new youtube show whenever we hit a hundred
thousand subscribers we're gonna be pranking you for 24 hours this week's shout out goes to ruby if you want to be next week's shout out just comment down below done as many times as you can like as many times adios adios amigos okay.

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